Chapter 16: What is a real estate BPO?

BPO stands for “Broker Price Opinion” and is performed by real estate brokers to find the market value of a piece of property for sale. BPOs are used by mortgage lenders and banks to value a property in the current market and avoid the cost of an...

Chapter 15: What is a real estate appraisal?

An appraisal is the process taken by a licensed, professional, third-party appraiser to value a piece of real estate. Appraisals are done for many reasons, but typically the purpose is to find a fair market value. The most common type of appraisal is done in order to...

Chapter 14: What is an Easement?

An easement is a right that a person or entity has in the property of another person or entity. In other words, it is a right to use someone else’s property without owning that property. There are many different kinds of easements that exist for many different...

Chapter 13: What is an Encumbrance?

An encumbrance is a right that burdens or diminishes the value of a property; it impedes it in some way. There are different kinds of encumbrances. Encumbrances can be both financial or non-financial in nature. They can also affect the properties transfer-ability or...

Chapter 12: Why You Need A Home Inspection

A home inspection is a thorough visual inspection of the property.  ALWAYS do one when purchasing an investment property and make sure it’s by a neutral, third-party, professional company.  The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) publishes...

Chapter 11: What is Escrow?

Escrow Companies are an independent 3rd party to a transaction that essentially oversees and monitors the contractual agreement. They also hold the funds in an independent Escrow Trust Account and disburse the funds upon a successful close of escrow based upon the...